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TehGimpsters Server Information

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TehGimpsters Server Information Empty TehGimpsters Server Information

Post by Slymask3 Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:30 pm

TehGimpsters Server

We have started working on TGS once again. Very Happy

Here is a sneak preview of the server:

Plugins: (40)
ArmorAbilities - Differnet ablilities for differnet armor.
AutoAnnouncer - Announcement plugin. Our announcer's name is Dr. Bone.
Backpack - Extra storage space for your inventory. Members start with 9 slots, Donators go up to maximum of 54 slots.
BlockHat - Allows the player to wear any block on their head. Only Donators.
BottledExp - Store your Exp into bottles.
Bullseye - We set up a Shooting Range Game with this.
CasinoSlots - Casino Slots for players to lose and gain bones.
CombatTag - Punish PvP Loggers.
Commander - Add aliases for commands.
CoreProtect - Logs who placed/breaks blocks.
DeathLog - Logs players deaths, how they died, and at what time.
DisguiseCraft - Let's players disguise into mobs. Only Donators.
Epic Glass - Let's players break Glass/Glowstone by shooting an arrow at it, sprinting into it, and jumping onto it.
Essentials - A lot of usefull commands for Admins, Mods, and Players.
EssentialsSpawn - Set spawn.
HiddenCommandSigns - Put commands into signs. Activate the command by right-click.
InfiniteCake - Allows certain players to have eat cake infinitely. Only Donators.
mChatSuite - Chat plugin. Also allows colored text.
mcMMO - RPG plugin.
MobCatcher - Catch mobs with eggs.
Multiverse - Required to make a new world (The survival world).
NoPortals - Players cannot make Nether or The End portals.
OtherDrops - Change drops of mobs, blocks, etc. Every mob drops 0-4 bones upon death.
PermissionsBukkit - Permissions plugin.
PetCreeper - Allows to tame and ride mobs.
PhatLoots - Loot hidden chests around spawn.
PreciousStones - Protection for players.
QwickTree - Cuts down tree with one hit, replants the sapling. Only Donators.
SignShop - Allows a lot of commands on signs, which includes the making of admin shops, and player shops.
SimpleClans - Clans plugin. Includes KDR, and clan ranking.
SimpleCommandSigns - Put commands into signs. Activate the command by right-click.
Skript - Add new commands, or events.
Timeismoney - Get money for how long you played.
Tuto - Prints txt files upon command. Useful for tutorials and just information.
VanishNoPacket - Vanish from TAB, and turn invisible.
Vault - Puts together a lot of plugins. Required for most of these plugins to work.
VirtualPack - Adds virtual GUIs. Will only be used for a workbench and an uncrafting GUI. Only Donators.
WorldBorder - Makes a border for worlds.
WorldEdit - Easy building.
WorldGuard - Protection for spawns, etc.

The Blue colored plugins are going to be on the server for sure.
The Red colored plugins may not be on the server with it's release.

Precious Stones:

Rare Drops:

Donator Perks:

Minecraft : Slymask3
YouTube : TehGimpsters
Posts : 441
Join date : 2011-07-26
Age : 27
Location : Canada


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